Piombino (15km)

Maritime city rich in history, the center of strategic importance since the beginning of its medieval settlement. In 1162 was under the protectorate of the Republic of Pisa, but in the following centuries, it became an autonomous principality. The town in this long period of autonomy must defend itself against foreign powers that saw in Piombino a safe stopover for their ships. The conquest of Tuscany by Napoleon’s troops in the early 18th century includes also Piombino, which in that period earned the nickname “Little Paris” as the emperor’ sister was its ruler. With the fall of Napoleon, Piombino and its territories were assigned to the Grand Ducal of Tuscany.

In the years after 1815, there was an economic transformation of the city, from commercial centre into emerging steel industry. Today, however, the administrators of the City have also brought out the tourism: in the old town you can visit the Tower-Rivellino ancient gate of 1812, the castle Pisano in 1435, the fourteenth-century Tower House of Bifore, the source of Marina in Romanesque style and the beautiful Piazza Bovio, which stretches out among the sea.

From the port of Piombino, ferries leave for the Elba island, Corsica and Sardinia, and on summer, mini day cruises are organized with lunch on board, for visiting the islands of the archipelago.



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